Payton’s Amazing New Video Game

PaytonWednesday, 11-26-2003: This morning I woke up at 3:30am to the sound of Payton at the bottom of the stairs yelling, “Are you up HERE??” I reply that I am. He comes up and gets into my bed and starts going on and on about this amazing new video game on Xbox that him and Emily have just been playing. ‘Emily is awake too?’ I ask. He says yep and goes into great detail about this new game they’re playing, how it’s like Fusion Frenzy kind of but you get to be in these cars. He tells me all the characters names and stuff. Then he excuses himself and runs down to the fridge to get a glass of milk. He comes back upstairs and tells me more and more about this game and wants to know if he can go play it some more. I tell him that it’s night time and he should go to sleep and that he can play it when it’s light outside.

He finally goes to sleep. I assume so anyway. He wakes me up again and 6:30am and tells me that it’s starting to get light outside and wants to know if he can go play now. I tell him sure and I sleep for another half hour. When I go down, he’s not happy because he realizes that this amazing new game that him and Emily had been playing doesn’t really exist. He was just having a dream. Poor guy…

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