Transcript of Spessa calling my motel neighbors

Nov. 16th, 2005|02:33 pm:

ME: “Hey, quit biting that guy.”
HER: “Quit biting what guy?”
ME: “Your husband or boyfriend or whatever.”
HER: “Oh, I don’t bite nobody.”
ME: “Oh, we could hear him yelling at you to quit biting him.”
HER: “It’s just this little tiff that we get into, he teases me about biting. Who is this? Is this Selena?”
ME: “No, we’re here in your motel with you. Hey, can you be more creative next time? Like shake up a coke can and spray it in his face or something?”
HER: “Sure, I can do that.” (She’s like giggling now)
ME: “I’d appreciate it if you mix it up, and make it more interesting.”
HER: “No problem!”
ME: “Thanks!”
HER: “Oh, you’re _welcome_.” (It reads sarcastic, but she sounded completely sincere.)

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